Fast mid-range measurements in cities or near industrial areas
The GC955 118 Methane model from Synspec is specifically designed to provide fast mid-range measurements in cities and near industries. It is equipped with a compact oven with a column that separates methane from other hydrocarbons, and features an FID detector resulting in two distinct peaks: one for methane and one for total non-methane hydrocarbons (TNMHC). The GC955 118 model holds a CE approval for EMC conformity.
The instrument utilises a method that does not only measure the concentrations of the greenhouse gas methane but simultaneously presents the sum of all other hydrocarbons, even the ones that are usually difficult to detect such as oxygenated hydrocarbons. Each gas analyser is equipped with all of the essential components: FID detector, computer, colour touchscreen, and GC software.
Application Type: ambient air monitoring, emissions monitoring
Overview M_TMNHC v112019