The COSA 9610™ is one of the latest instruments from COSA Xentaur for measuring Wobbe Index, BTU/Heating Value and CARI (Combustion Air Requirement Index).
The Cosa 9700 is a fast response calorimeter for the on-line monitoring of Wobbe Index (WI), Combustion Air Requirement Index (CARI) and Heating Value (HV). The COSA 9700 is based on the Residual Oxygen Method (ROM), thus avoiding the use of a flame.
The Cosa 9750 is a fast response Zero Emission calorimeter for the on-line monitoring of Wobbe Index (WI), Combustion Air Requirement Index (CARI) and Heating Value (HV). The COSA 9750 is based on the Residual Oxygen Method (ROM), thus avoiding the use of a flame.
This calorimeter is a fixed gas calorimeter in a flame-proof enclosure (explosion-proof class: Ex dⅡB+H2 T4) designed for continuous, fast-response measurement of the "Calorific value," "Density," and "WOBBE index" of various fuel gases such as natural gas, coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, converter gas, biomass gas, and biogas.