This is the first of several campaigns that we are preparing for you to help you in this rather tough market situation. The first campaign targets customers of the LaserGasTM I and the DM3. Both products are reaching end of life very soon (2017) and we will no longer support the products with regards to repairs. After the end of life, the only option will be to buy a new product at standard conditions. In the markets where we do not have distributors we will target known end customers our self. In situations where procurement is naturally handled in territories where you are present we will guide the customers to the correct distributor. We will prepare lists of known installations per territory that we will share with the respective distributor in that territory. If you need assistance, either from sales or service, do not hesitate to contact us. Please update the list with all contacted customers and with all instruments that are no longer in use and send it back to us. As this campaign will be available on our web page and distributed through relevant social media, we need to know if the customer has been contacted by you if they for some reason choose to take direct contact with us. Total discount for the campaign period will be maximum 55 % based on size of order and product mix.
sales@ankersmid.com of tel. +31 548 595969