iFID Dual
- User-friendly Touchpanel 7” TFT
- Graphic Display of HC-concentration on both channels
- Single Range – no switch between ranges
- Internal Datalogging by USB Stick
- Twin-Analytic for real separate measurement of two different measuring points
- Heated Samplegasfilter integrated
19" RackFlame-Ionisation-Detector iFiD Rack for continuous monitoring of 2 channels parallel
The stationary Flame-Ionisation-Detector iFiD Dual is designed for measuring at two points with one unit. This saves money in comparison to a 2 unit solution. The channels are separated from each other and so you can permanently measure high and low concentrations paralell without switching procedure.
Before / After Cat Analysis
Indoor VOC control for multiple points
Waste plants and process control
Automotive applications