For the first time, powerful advanced spectroscopy is available at a popular price for a host of applications, from quality assurance to cylinder filling, as well as welding, medical, industrial and high-purity gas production; bulk delivery and distribution transfer points; and more. Say goodbye to cumbersome, complex, costly and labor-intensive mid-20th century technology. Gone is the need for calibration, spare parts, cramped ranges, and worries about drift and downtime. The speed alone will make you gasp. Plus, it’s a joy to start-up and to operate.
The compact, affordable Spark H2O offers:
- Powerful, proven Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technology
- Self-tuning and auto-calibration
- Extremely low Cost of Ownership
- Ethernet, 4-20mA and RS 232 connectivity
- Fast response, with low gas consumption
- H2O analysis over a vast range: 15 ppb to 2,000 ppm! (More molecules available)
NEW! Get more out of your Spark with our optional add-on packages:
- Atmospheric Pressure Sampling
- Dew Point Measurement
- Linear Fit Point
- Annual Remote Certification
Spark H2O Brochure