LaserDust™ Medium Path (MP), Long Path (LP), and Extra Long Path (XLP) Monitors are compact, optical dust monitors for true continuous in-situ measurement of dust concentration or opacity.
The monitors are designed for measurement across pipes, stacks and ducts with typical path lengths of 0.5 – 10 m.
LaserDust™ Monitors use a transmitter/receiver configuration to measure the dust concentration along the optical line of sight. Our true non-contact approach is superior to point type dust meters.
With innovative laser technology the LaserDust™ combines two measurement principles in one instrument.
At low dust levels it operates with forward scattered light technology:
The incident laser light is scattered by dust particles and collected onto a solid-state sensor for dust quantification. This highly sensible mode enables detection limits of < 0.5 mg/Nm3 and is unaffected by dust depositing on the windows.
At high dust levels the LaserDust™ will measure transmittance or opacity:
Light absorption by dust particles is captured by a 2nd sensor.
Certifications and approvals
- Can measure dust concentration or opacity
- Response time down to one second
- Suitable for high temperatures
- Cross stack measurement up to 10 m
- High dynamic range (mg or g with one instrument)
- Scattered light detection for high sensitivity
- Non-contact measurement
- No moving parts
- Aluminum smelters and steel works
- Waste incinerators, power plants or cement kilns
- Scrubber and filter optimization
- Bag house filter surveillance
- Dust explosion prevention
- …and more
Customer benefits
- In-situ monitoring
- Highly reliable real time analyzer
- Low maintenance cost
- Reduce emission to the environment
- Easy to install and operate
- Reduce daily operation costs
- Optimize process
- Well proven measurement techniques
Data Sheet LaserDust