Multiple fuel types ae often delivered to vehicles using the same vessels and pipelines. Consider the case of an aircraft carrier, where the jet fuel supplied for aircraft an potentially mix with the diesel supplied or forklifts, trucs, and equipment. This can cause very serious problems, as diesel contamination in jt fuel leads to plugged injectors.
In order to validate the purity of the jet fuel, online analysis of the jet fuel feed stream is required. Measuring the composition of the jet fuel at the site of fueling in real time is the best way to prevent equipment failures due to fuel contamination
The OMA system is used to analyze a full UV-Vis absorbance spectrum in a continuously dawn jet fuel sample. The analyzer is calibrated on the absorbance curve of pure jet fuel and correlates specific chanes in the absorbance to levels of diesel contamination. This mthod is extremely efectie for fast, accurate jet fuel validation
Measuring Diesel in Jet Fuel