CO en CO2 measurement with NDIR analysers
innovative analytical solutions for measurement tasks in the fields of environment, health and process control.
..Eco-designed, ultra-compact, smart & connected continuous gas analyzer, for emission or process gas monitoring. Perfectly suited to control SO2 removal efficiency in processes using Flue-gas desulfurization FGD / DeSOx systems.
For the analysis of Hg in compounds, as particles, and as an element.
Faster and cheaper than traditional infrared spectroscopy. Analysis of multiple components, such as HCl, HF, HCN, NH3 and SO2.
Electrochemical and paramagnetic analyzers for measurements ranging from sub-ppb to 100% pure oxygen
Flame Ionisation Detector to measure total hydrocarbons.
For the analysis of a wide range of applications in heavy industry
Detection of hydrogen and noble gases.
r.Extractive lasers with a very high accuracy.
The Wobbe Index is actually the correct representation of the heating value of natural gas arriving, from the gas line, at the orifice where a burner is located.
It is not simply the BTU per cubic foot but rather the BTU per cubic foot divided by the square root of the specific gravity.
For the analysis of isotopes and molecules with very small sample quantities.
Monitoring CO2 in the air
Green houses, ventilation systems for building and parking lot, CA (Controlled Atmosphere) storage facilities
Measuring ambient air, stables and Automobile emission gas analyzers