For environmental monitoring and analysis in ambient air, Tiger Optics packages Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy in the compact, watchful Tiger-i. With great sensitivity, speed, uniformity and resolution, the Tiger-i offers the world's best, most reliable means of detecting pollutants and greenhouse gases, even in challenging environments, such as engine exhaust and continuous emissions. Turning to cleanroom monitoring of airborne molecular contaminants, the Tiger-i is insensitive to ozone, ambient and other molecular interferences. It is very low maintenance, requiring no consumables or calibration. Available analytes include hydrogen fluoride (HF), hydrogen chloride (HCl), ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4) and more.
Ammonia Emissions Monitoring
HCI Continuous Emissions Monitoring
HF Monitoring for Aluminium Smelters
Methane Emissions Monitoring
Selective Catalytic Reduction - Ammonia Slip
Brochure Tiger I CEM
Specifications Summary Tiger-i
CRDS becomes method of choice for SEMI F112