Principal: UV, Filtered results: 16
Perfectly adapted for continuous Air Quality monitoring, laboratories, environmental surveillance, quality control, etc.
Measuring of Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) in air and other gases. Reliable for measurements at ultra-trace levels (sub-ng/m³) according to EN 15852 .
The SM-3 mercury analyzer measures continuously the elemental, bound and ionic mercury in stack fluegas
The MC-3000 is used for generating a continuous stream of a mercury vapor loaded gas stream in order to check or calibrate mercury analyzers. It is also suitable for all those applications where a gas stream with a preset and constant mercury concentration is needed.
The AULA-254 Gold is a fully automated system for analyzing traces of mercury in aqueous and digested samples
The LabAnalyzer is the perfect solution for quantitative determination of mercury in aqueous samples and sample digests in the laboratory.
The mercury analyzer PA-2 is used for continuous monitoring of mercury concentrations in industrial processes.
The MMS basically comprises a multiplexer-valve unit and a highly accurate and selective mercury detector (VM-3000 Vapor Monitor) for measurements in air and other gases
Very small, ultra-light, with on-board GPS, data logger, battery pack and color TFT display for very comfortable and easy mercury monitoring in ambient air and other gases
Concentration, NIR, VIS, UV & color measurement for both liquid and gas.
Process photometer for UV measurement in gases and liquids
Total mercury emissions monitor in stack flue gases
Modular mercury stack gas monitor
QAL 1 certified for continuous, accurate and reliable measurement of total mercury emissions, even in very low concentrations and within complex matrices (SO2, NOx, HCl, etc.)
Automatic systemdesigned for continuous mercury monitoring in natural gas even in hazardous zones (ATEX, IEC-Ex)
Perfectly adapted to monitor the efficiency of different Mercury Removal Units (MRUs) in natural gas processing plants.